When it comes to traveling with seniors, it is important to ensure that you always bring a travel safety bag with you. What is a travel safety bag? Simply put, it can be a bag full of necessities that you may otherwise not be able to find or replace once you are already out on the road. A few examples may include medications, hearing aid battery spares, comfortable shoes and more; but don’t worry, we will be going into more details later. In this article, we will be going over the importance of packing a travel safety bag when traveling with seniors as well as what essentials should go inside your travel safety bag. Continue reading below to learn more.

What to Pack Inside a Travel Safety Bag

While these items may differ depending on the circumstances and the individual, a few safety travel essentials typically include the following:

  • Prescription medications (in their original bottles)
  • Important documents such as identification, allergy lists, list of medications with your
    doctors’ phone number, and passports (depending on the destination, of course)
  • Hearing aids
  • Spare batteries for hearing aids and other devices
  • Comfortable walking shoes
  • Denture containers
  • Sunscreen
  • Rain gear such as raincoats, rain boots, umbrellas, or ponchos
  • Travel size toiletries including a toothbrush, toothpaste and lotions amongst other things
  • Travel size snacks
  • A book or tablet to keep them entertained throughout the trip
    Regardless of whether the trip is a long way from home or close by, it is important when going with seniors that you bring all that they need.
    Of course, it is sensible to say that nobody wants to over-pack. This is particularly because no one wants to be in charge of hauling around an overstuffed bag, or an additional pack at that, from one destination to another. All things equal, we would like to be able to provide our seniors with significant things to keep them healthy, safe, and comfortable.
    What to do when you need non-emergency medical transportation
    Our team at Stellar can arrange professional transportation to or from any clinic, as well as back again for regular checkups, special occasions, or other purposes. With our carrier groups, you can count on safe, efficient, comfortable, and pleasant service from beginning to end. You can rest assured that they will travel the whole way to you, regardless of where you are located. It will be our pleasure to utilize your wheelchair or cot if you happen to have one. In the event that you do not have them, we have access to a variety of medical transportation accessories. All of our stretchers and wheelchairs are top-of-the-line medical equipment, professionally cleaned and maintained for your safety.

Stellar Transport Services

Our quality transport group will get you in the vehicle, and deliver you to the door of your destination. Furthermore, we will not leave until we can ensure that you arrive inside safely and comfortably arranged in the lounge area and checked in, or in your own home, or any place your objective is. Last but not least, our transporters follow rigorous safety, defensive driving, HIPAA, and patient-sensitivity training to help ensure that you and your loved ones are always provided with the highest quality services and care.

If you find that you or your loved ones need non-emergency medical transportation services, consider giving our team of experts at Stellar Transport a call. You can also visit our website to learn more about our services as well as our pricing and locations. If needed, you also have the option to book our services online without any hassle.